Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Since JD was first born he has had a smile on his sweet face.  Recently, we went to see Grandma perform in the choir at church.  JD, Dad and I filled with our many different activities sat in the second to last pew on the end (we made some poor women move over so we could easily exit).

I would love to say that I have been diligent about taking JD to church but I haven't.  Since birth we have probably averaged 4-6 church services a year.  To say he "understands" how to behave in church would be a grave misunderstanding.  However, in the last two months we have gone to church 3 times--yes that is almost every other week so he is getting a much better understanding.  JD even asks about church and talks about it as an "adventure."

This particular Sunday, JD wasn't so excited to head to church but we convinced him there would be good music and Grandma would be singing so he managed to pull it together.  We sat down and he started to smile, laugh and cheer every time a song finished.  Trying to be respectful of those around us,  we tried to quietly whisper that he "needed to be quiet" and just listen to the music.  Finally, after several "yeah grandmas" "whohoos" he looked up at us and said "I'm ready to go."  So, Dad took JD and they went outside while I sat and listened to the end of the service.

As I was loading up the bag of about 100 different activities we had packed.  The couple behind me stopped to share how wonderful they thought it was that our son was so "joyous in the house of the Lord."  They shared how he made them smile and really brought joy to them just by watching him enjoy himself so much in church.

I realized that in fact, that's what JD has done for my outlook on life.  He has brought Joy into everything from waking up in the morning, to a snack, to reading the same book for the 100th time.  It's just fun when he is laughing, cheering and smiling.

I am so thankful he is my son.  I am thankful that he spreads joy wherever he goes, I am thankful that for each moment with him.  And I can only hope that he positive spirit continues for the rest of his life.  It will make him a force and allow him to change the world.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I'm Two!

Can you believe it?  Just nine days ago JD turned two years old and he is now a little boy!  I am still in shock and what's worse I have not done a good job keeping up on his many adventures.  However, with another little one due in less than 4 months I have decided not to dwell in the guilt but rather try to find a few minutes every so often to document some of the cool things about JD.

I have been reading lots of books and right now I am reading Hands Free Mama, a great book about just being in the moment with your child.  So this morning, I took 20 extra minutes and sat and read books with JD.  I listened as he read me books (not really reading but rather singing and talking as to what he thinks the pages might describe) and I am so thankful I took those moments. 

Life is busy these days but never too busy to witness the miracles that JD brings to our lives each and every day.  I wish I started reading the book back in January when it was 20 degrees below zero and we were trapped inside the house for seemingly the entire month.  That was a long month, followed by February with more snow, more cold and more NOT going outside.  But JD, he went with the flow.  He worked on his watercolors, his painting, drawings and found ways to develop, play and enjoy each moment.  Even if his mom was seemingly loosing her mind being trapped inside.

To me, the last three months have brought the most astounding changes.  JD comprehends most everything we have to say and he can repeat any word; so these days we are very careful as to what we say.  He loves to laugh and smile and I hope that continues forever because  his smile changes your outlook.  He has a power and charisma about him and definitely the will to do whatever and be whatever he wants to be.

He is remarkable and there is nothing I enjoy more than being in his presence.  

Friday, October 11, 2013

Full Speed Ahead

Well, my monthly attempt to blog has recently failed, but it's times for an update.  I am on the way to visit two of my roommates from College.  It's the first trip since January that "Mama" will be away from the JD man.  I already miss his smile but definitely know that visiting Miss Mo and Miss Muchi is a good thing.  I thought about bringing JD but figured his constant need to move would not mix well with a 4.5 hour flight.  Boy am I glad I made that decision!  We had a 45 minute delay from the gate so the flight is now more like 5.5 hours and I am more than done--I can't imagine what JD would be like.

In the last few months JD's development has exploded.  His vocabulary is amazing and he is the most joyous kid I know.  Seriously, his smile is infectious and he loves to share it everywhere he goes. He is always on the move and more than willing to try new things.  This can be both good and bad.  Good in that he loves to go places, see things and explore our amazing world.   Bad because he loves to run--which leads to falls and we have had two major moments where blood and bruises were a result of a grand exploration! 

We have had some very cool adventures.  We visited the airplane festival in New Carlisle, we picked apples and found our pumpkins for Halloween; we even journeyed to get our new puppy!  We have enjoyed lots of time in the stroller and playing with Sydney, she is a great dog and growing even faster than JD.

Currently, we think JD is cutting at least 4 teeth if not 8 (we think the the back molars are coming in).  Sleeping has been tough and between Sydney and JD, I think that 5 hours of sleep in a row is a minor miracle.

We still battle over what foods that JD will eat. New favorites are homemade breads (yes, I have been baking banana, zucchini and pumpkin breads) and pumpkin flavored items.  Tim Horton's "tim bits" as well pumpkin bagels are becoming fast favorites. 

I feel so blessed to be able to watch JD grow.  I often get overwhelmed with the madness and hustle but when I stop and try to "be in the moment" I am always overwhelmed with love.  Kids are amazing, their development is inspiring, and we are better for each child that enters this world.

I hope JD knows just how much I love each day with him.  Being his mama, is the greatest job of my life.  I cannot wait to see what's next.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer family fun!

We love being outside but for few weeks the rain kept us from having the fun we had hoped.  That and the 90+ degree weather!  But now, game on.  

The photo was taken one afternoon when JD just had a blast thanks to the Robertson's gift of this awesome pool.  If you take a closer look you can see that to JD, it is just a HUGE bubble factory.  Every morning and night all JD asks is for "bubbas" and he loves those bubbles.  Just can't get enough and I haven't decided whether it is because to do bubbles you are outside or if he really just likes bubbles that much.

Additionally, we have had lots of family fun with our newest member Sydney.  She is now a 9-week old golden who seems to be trying to figure us all out.  JD is trying to adjust to the fact that we have another show stopper on our walks and that going outside doesn't always mean bubbles. 

Other exciting news is that at our daycare or "school"  is moving JD up to the Turtle classroom.  He will now join a room with kids ranging from 18 months to 3 years.  I can't believe he is getting so old.  And I can't believe that in two weeks they are going to trust this very fun and very social kid to go to sleep on a cot next to the other kids.  It just seems unlikely to me that he will respond to dimming the lights and putting on sleep sounds by laying peacefully down using his own restraint and freewill. 

My kid is amazing don't get me wrong but really?  So, for any of you mom's who have had this transition, feel free to chime in here that this won't be painful and that he will sleep!  Oh, please.

Other than trying to stay up on cleaning the mounds of food thrown on the floor every day and the fun "accidents" of Sydney; our house is pretty low key.  We feel so lucky and blessed for the hugs, smiles and laughter we have and we are so lucky to be a part of such a great community with great friends and family close by.  We have had our nieces come for the weekend, we go to the Farmer's Market on Saturday's and JD is even adjusting to 4-5 mile runs in the stroller as I train for the Columbus 1/2 Marathon. 

We can't wait to continue to the summer fun and see just how fast JD can run down the street by the end of August.  Right now we can get next door in less than 3 seconds.  I am guessing pretty soon that will mean down the street in 4!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Meeting Miss Katie

Well, it took us just about 5 months but we finally made it.  7.5 hours of driving and two days of fun with Miss Katie.  She sure is cute and what fun we had! Katie was so sweet and cuddly.  It reminded me of the days that JD used to let me snuggle up to him; not so much anymore because this little man has places to go!

The weather didn't allow too many outdoor adventures but I was proud of JD as he seemed to (as always) go with the flow.  He even managed to sleep with us in a pack-n-play all in one room--good stuff. 

It has been a busy several months leading up to this adventure.  JD started daycare 4 days a week as Grandma hurt her back.  The initial transition was hard, but now we have a new routine that seems to be working quite nicely. 

We enjoyed a wedding, visits to with Grandparents, our second Mother's/Father's day and lots of other adventures.  JD now have almost all of his teeth, he sleep most nights from 6pm until 6am with a few pacifier replacement cries and well we are having a lot of fun.

As a mom, you can only hope that each day you are encouraging your child to be happy.  What I love most about JD is everyday he smiles, laughs and lets me know that thus far we haven't created too much sadness for him.  His eyes light up when he smiles, his body shakes when he laughs and he runs to sit in my lap at least five times a day.  You can't beat it.

We are blessed and we are thankful.  However, one side note...don't mess with the paci!  

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Satterfield's are sad.

The month of April was a tough one for the Satterfield's; we had to say goodbye to the best doggie we know.  Tuscany, was one of those rare dogs that seemed to make friends wherever she went.  And I mean real friends!   When I got her in March 2002, she was the cute fluff ball that went around the neighborhood.  She immediately charmed the socks off of everyone she met. 

In fact, as she aged she learned to sit, look pretty and smile at people and they would just come up to her and love on her.  She was hilarious!  Beyond that Tuscany went everywhere with me from the day I got her.  She always had a permanent place in the back of whatever car I was driving.  Her bowl, an extra leash and dog food were always loaded into the car.  Most every family vacation, road trip or visit Tuscany was there. 

She was my first child and I was granted the amazing pleasure of being her mom.  She always had a kiss for me and I swear she helped me land at least two or three clients when she was in the office with me.  She loved to swim, to eat anything in site and to make people smile.  She was a gift. 

Tuscany loved being a big sister to JD.  From the moment I was pregnant her life changed, but she was thrilled.  She was by my side my entire pregnancy--we even got a car ramp because she could not jump and I was unable to lift her in and out of the back the car when we went to work. 

When JD came home there was no worry about how Tusc would respond--we knew she loved him and she did.  She would lay by his crib and come get us anytime he cried.  She went from sleeping by my side to sleeping outside of his door so she could alert us to anything happening.  She was the great protector of our little man and always knew how to make it better for him.
It was amazing to watch Tuscany adjust to JD as he would crawl or learn to pull her hair; she just allowed him to figure it out and never got upset.  His first word was Dog and he quickly learned to say Tusc.  Both words came with huge smiles.

The loss of Tuscany is much more difficult than I could have ever imagined.  Every morning I want to smell her stinky breath, at night she is not there to watch over JD; things are just out of sorts.  JD isn't sleeping as well, Kevin and I are up at least once or twice in the night to check on him.  Things just don't feel right.

My hope is that JD will always know how much Tuscany was a part of our family and how much she loved him.  My hope is JD learned how to love from Tuscany--that he learned that endless patience is a gift, that happiness is contagious and the more you give kisses the more love you receive. 

Tuscany we love you, we miss you and mostly we thank you for being the best dog.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Big milestones, bright smiles and getting lost in happiness

This week the Dove Sketches video has gone viral; where women describe themselves and then a stranger describes them to a artist who is sketching.  The two pictures are greatly different and the self-described sketch is much more dark and sad.   

This week I also read a post from my friend Julie who has a daughter Mae; someone I hope becomes a close friend of JD's.  Mae has DS and Julie told a story of how she was out with her four children and a stranger began sharing about her child who also had DS.  After the stranger left, Mae's siblings asked just how the women knew that Mae had DS--they didn't realize it could be "seen."

In the last several weeks, JD has exploded developmentally.  He actively uses sign language, he is walking and he is saying at least 10 more words.  It is amazing to watch him learn, develop and grow.  More amazing is watching his smile.  I want that smile and the huge belly shaking laugh to stay with him forever.  It changes each day because it makes everything more fun and amazing.

My hope is that JD could stay this happy and this excited about life forever.  We as adults, beat ourselves up about so much.  But when someone genuinely smiles a great bit smile, you can get lost in it for just a moment.  Be it a child, an adult or even a great grandmother--a smile can change us.  My hope is that JD understands this power and changes the world through laughter and smiles. 

He is an amazing kid for so many reasons and my goal as his mom will be to try as best as I can to smile and smile and smile at him. 

Here is a video of a recent toy discovery that no doubt will make you smile and get lost in happiness for just a moment.